Friday, February 01, 2013

Women’s Right to Property with Emphasis on Land Rights and Its Role in empowering Women

Women’s Right to Property with Emphasis on Land Rights and Its Role in empowering Women
The right to own a property plays a vital role in conferring status on a person in the society. A woman gets empowered if she has control over the property. The questions relating to women’s empowerment have now become critical to the human rights based approaches to development. Since the1990’s women have been identified as key agents of sustainable development and women’s equality and empowerment are seen as central to more holistic approach towards establishing new patterns and process of development that are sustainable.Some define empowerment as a process of awareness and conscientization of capacity building leading to greater participation, effective decision making power and control leading to transformative action. The constitution of India guarantees equality before law and equal protection of law,and also confers special status on women.Even after the lapse of 62 years of our country becoming republic, the issue of women empowerment remains to be critical. The Cairo Conference in 1994, organized by the United Nation on Population and Development called the attention to the women’s empowerment as a central focus. The World Bank has suggested that empowerment of women should be a key aspect of all social development programmes.

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