Friday, February 01, 2013

The Role of Education Sector in Removing Gender Inequality

The Role of Education Sector in Removing Gender Inequality
We observe many differences among boys and girls in the family, the street, inside the classroom, in the play field. For instance, in general, boys are active, playful, confident, bold, loud, and difficult to control. Girls are passive, gentle, quiet, accepting, more complacent and easy to control. It is important for those who are in the education sector to appreciate how infants and toddlers learn to see themselves as girls and boys in the adult images of women and men in their cultures. It is equally important to understand how this process of sex role identity formation based on differential and discriminatory treatment, which leads to the formation of low self–concept in girls. This low self-concept among girls inhibits self expression and achievement. It is also transmitted intergenerationally.

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