Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Perjury Under Indian Law

Perjury Under Indian Law
J Bentham, The great Philosopher and thinker of his time , once said " witnesses are the eyes and ear of Justice” However the witness get traumatized and harassed in our criminal justice system and it is open secret, which needs no second thoughts. unnecessary adjournment for recording the statements in a court, causes them unnecessary harassment.

The complainant in case of sexual offences not only faces harassment due to repeated adjournment for recording of their statements but also face humiliation and embarrassment. Therefore this article will deal pros and cons of increasing hostility.

Interestingly the code evidence Act 1872, do not refer the term "Hostile”. The term "Hostile” has come to be used by the courts for referring to a witness, who resiles from his earlier statement recorded by police under section 161 of code

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