Thursday, October 19, 2017

Community lawyering in India

Community lawyering in India
A perusal of the characteristics, nature, scope, values, and strategy of community lawyering indicates that the social and political scenario in India is perfectly suited for community lawyering to flourish. The economic necessities of the different communities within India further call for the assistance of community lawyers. India is the world's largest democracy. A variety of constituencies are the constitutive elements of this democracy.

The Indian constitution is based on socialist ideals and the Directive Principles of State Policy of the Constitution endeavour to ensure social justice. The Preamble of the Constitution of India emphatically delineates socialistic ideals; the Directive Principles of State Policy recognize the socio-economic rights of citizens. Although not enforceable in a court of law in isolation, the Directives are "fundamental to the governance of the country" and every government (central as well as state governments) should incorporate such principles in governance.

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