Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Expanding Horizon of Freedom of Speech And Expression

Expanding Horizon of Freedom of Speech And Expression

As already stated it is necessary to maintain and preserve press in a democracy. But at the same time it is also necessary to place some restrictions on this freedom for the maintenance of social order, because no freedom can be absolute or completely unrestricted. Accordingly, underArticle 19(2) of the Constitution of India, the State may make a law imposing reasonable restrictions on the exercise of the right to freedom of speech and expression in the interest of the public on the following grounds:-

1. Sovereignty & Integrity of India

2. Security of the State

3. Friendly relations with Foreign States

4. Public Order

5. Decency or Morality

6. Contempt of Court

7. Defamation

8. Incitement to an Offence

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