Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Outcaste, Oppressed And Ostracized: The Transgender Persons In India

Outcaste, Oppressed And Ostracized: The Transgender Persons In India

A transgender person is one who is neither male nor female. It is an umbrella term which includes any person who does not conform to the conventional standards of gender. Although the constitutional rights extend to all the citizens of the country, this community has been facing prejudice for centuries and in many cases at the hands of policemen and law enforcement authorities. There is no law that caters to their need specifically. The ‘Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Bill,2016’ has been approved by the Union Cabinet for introduction in the Parliament and if passed, it will give a chance to the community to live a life of dignity, freedom, equality and empowerment. It’s high time that we as privileged population help the less privileged to grow socially, economically and culturally.


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