Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Solve Legal Questions for Judicial examination in India

legal Questions You Must Know

The question is whether 'A' committed a crime at Lucknow on certain day. The fact that, on that day 'A' was at Delhi, is a relevant fact under which Section of the Indian Evidence Act ?

(a) Section 9 (b) Section 10
(c) Section 11 (d) Section 12

Judicial Review of the 9th Schedule of the Constitution has been made permissible by which of the following case decided by the Supreme Court?

(a) Keshvanand Bharti Vs. State of Kerala
(b) M. Nagraj Vs. Union of India
(c) Minerva Mills Ltd. Vs. Union of India
(d) I.R. Coelho Vs. State of Tamil Nadu

Judges not only discover law but they also make law. Who among the following was supporter of this view?

(a) Gray (b) Diecy
(c) Salmond (d) Blackstone

‘Rejection of Plaint’ is mentioned under:

a) Order VII rule 11
b) Order VI rule 13
c) Order VII rule 12
d) Order VIII rule 4

Which one of the following Acts was recently passed by the Parliament?

(a) The Sexual Offences Act
(b) The Domestic Violence Act
(c) The Prohibition of Dowry Act
(d) The Right to Information Act

If the money suit filed within three years from the date on which cause of action arises then the suit

(a) does not relate to Limitation Act
(b) is not barred by limitation
(c) is barred by limitation
(d) depends on application for condonation of delay.

“The burden of proof in a suit or proceeding lies on that person who would fail if no evidence at all were

given on either side”. This provision is contained in which Section of the Indian Evidence Act?a) Section-101 b) Section – 111 c) Section- 102 d) Section - 113

In criminal cases previous good character is:

(a) irrelevant
(b) relevant
(c) relevant if proved with oath
(d) None of these

Bar Council of India is a statutory body constituted under which of the following?

(a) The Supreme Court Rules, 1966
(b) The Constitution of India
(c) The Advocates Act, 1961
(d) Union Ministry of Law & Justice

Delay in filing the suit

(a) cannot be condoned
(b) can be condoned under section 3, Limitation Act
(c) can be condoned under Order VII, Rule 6, C.P.C.
(d) can be condoned under section 5, Limitation Act.

Order XXIII of the Civil procedure code applies to the following:

a) Withdrawal of suits
b) Appeals
c) Execution proceeding
d) All of the abov

Article 24 prohibits child labour in

(a) All employment (b) Only hazardous industries
(c) All employment excluding household (d) None of the above

Palvinder Kaur Vs. State of Punjab Relates to which of the following?

a) Confession
b) Dying declaration
c) Entries in the books of account
d) Relevancy of Judgment

The law declared by Supreme Court of India is binding on all courts within the territory of India, but thesupreme court is not bound by its decision was decided by the supreme Court itself in:

a) Keshavanand Bharati vs. State of Kerala
b) Indira Nehru Gandhi Vs. Raj Narain
c) Madhav Rao Scindia Vs Union of India
d) Bengal Immunity Co. Ltd Vs. State of Bihar.

Which of the following is "State" within the definition of Article 12 of the Constitution?

(a) National Book Trust
(b) State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT)
(c) Rajiv Gandhi Board
(d) Institute of Constitutional & Parliamentarian Studies

‘Decree holder’ means person in whose favour a decree has been passed or an order capable of
execution has been made. This definition of the term ‘decree holder’ is mentioned under:

a) Section – 2(2), C.P.C
b) Section – 2(3), C.P.C
c) Section – 2(4), C.P.C
d) Section – 2(d), C.P.C

‘Creamy layer’ rule excluding the well placed members of a caste from reservation was first laid down in the case of:

a) Ashok Kumar Thakur Vs. State of Bihar
b) Maneka Gandhi Vs. Union of India
c) Indira Sawhney Vs. Union of India
d) Minerva Mills Vs. Union of India

Section 3 Limitation Act does not apply to

(a) suits(b) appeals
(c) application
(d) execution.

Which of the following tribes has custom of ‘Marriage by Service’?

a) Gonds
b) Bhil of Gujarat
c) Khasi tribe of Assam
d) None of these

Period spent in prosecuting the case before the Consumer Forum can be

(a) partly excluded
(b) included
(c) excluded
(d) partly included.

Which of the following does not find a mention as showing state of mind under Section – 14 of the

Evidence Act, 1872?
a) Will b) Motive c) Good faith d) Negligence

Which one of the following Indian political leaders was awarded by the 'International Jurists Award, 2012'?

(a) Sushama Swaraj(b) Lalu Prasad Yadav
(c) Pranab Mukherjee
(d) Mulayam Singh Yadav

Dasti Summons for service on the defendant can be given to the plaintiff under:

a) Order V Rule 9A, C.PC
b) Order V Rule 9, C.PC
c) Order IV Rule 7, C.PC
d) Order VI Rule 6, C.PC

A warrant of arrest must be issued by:

(a) an A.S.P. of Police (b) the Home Secretary
(c) the presiding judge of the court issuing the warrant (d) None of these

Objection as to place of suing shall be allowed in the court of the first instance is the essence of :

a) Section -21 A of C.P.C
b) Section -20 of C.P.C
c) Section -22 of C.P.C
d) Section -21 of C.P.C

Which of the following is/are not within the jurisdiction of Right to Information Act?

(1) The Supreme Court of India
(2) Rajiv Gandhi Foundation
(3) President of India
Choose the correct answer:
(a) All of the above (b) Only(1)
(c) Only (2) (d) Only (3)

A private person may arrest another person, who in his view has committed a:

(a) non-bailable offence (b) cognizable offence (c) both (a) & (b)
(d) none of the above

Freedom of speech under Article 19 (1) (a) is subject to-

(A) Public order (B) Security of State
(C) Morality (D) All of the above

The number of writs that can be prayed for and issed by the Supreme Court and a High Court

is- (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6

A fact is said to be “not proved”:

a) When it is disproved
b) When, after considering the matters before it, the court believes that it does not exist
c) When a prudent man considers that the fact does not exist
d) When it is neither proved nor disproved.

New States can be formed under the Constitution

(A) Only by amendment Act of the constitution;
(B) By Law made by Parliament;
(C) By Ordinance of the President:
(D) By Presidential Order;

Section- 18 of the Civil Procedure Code provides for:

a) Place of Institution of suit in respect of immovable property where the property is situated in the
jurisdiction of one court
b) Place of institution of suit in respect of immovable property where the property is situated in the
Jurisdiction of different court.
c) Place of institution of suits in respect of immovable property where the local limits of jurisdiction of
courts are uncertain.
d) All of the above.

Husband and wife have a right to each other's company. This right is called

(a) legal right (b) Matrimonial right (c) Consortium right (d) Conjugal right

Who propounded the doctrine 'Rule of Law' ?

(a) Lord Blackstone (b) Lord Denning (c) Dicey (d) Maine


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