Friday, March 01, 2013

Supreme Court of Bangladesh

Supreme Court of Bangladesh

The judicial system of the then India was reorganized by introducing the Indian High Court's Act 1861 by which High Courts were established, abolishing the Supreme Courts at Fort William (Calcutta), Madras and Bombay, and the High Courts established were conferred with Civil, Criminal, Admiralty, Testamentary, Matrimonial jurisdictions with Original and Appellate Jurisdiction. With the transfer of power from the British Parliament to the people on division of the then India, the High Court of Bengal (order) 1947 was promulgated under the Indian Independence Act, 1947, and the High Court of judicature for East Bengal at Dhaka was established as a separate High Court for the then East Pakistan and the said High Court was commonly known as the Dhaka High Court and the same was vested with all Appellate, Civil and Original jurisdictions. With the enforcement of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan in 1956, the Supreme Court of Pakistan was established as the apex Court of the country, consisting of East Pakistan and West Pakistan, in place of Federal Court, with the appellate jurisdiction to hear the decisions of the High Courts established in the provinces of the Pakistan. The Dhaka High Court had the jurisdiction to issue writs in the nature of Habeas Corpus, Mandamus, Prohibition, Quo-warranto and Certiorari, with further authority to declare any law promulgated violating the provisions of the Constitution as bad and void.

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