The rule of law is a common aspiration, proclaimed by international organizations and national governments as a pre- condition for acceptable modem governance, but in India It is only in the British Rule the concept of ‘Rule of Law’ was implanted in the land which was ruled by Dharma. Basically Indians are very practical minded never gave undue importance to dead letter of Law they were abide by the living norms of ‘Dharma’. Unfortunately due to impact of English education so called learned leader of Independent India failed to access the lofty ideals of their ancestors, which governed the justice administration in pre-invasion era i.e between 300 A.D to 1200 A.D. Implication of this development is that the Constitution of India is substantially built on western notions, it fail to hold Social, Political, Cultural, moral and Spiritual ethos of peoples into it.
Rule of Law in India
Rule of Law in India
The rule of law is a common aspiration, proclaimed by international organizations and national governments as a pre- condition for acceptable modem governance, but in India It is only in the British Rule the concept of ‘Rule of Law’ was implanted in the land which was ruled by Dharma. Basically Indians are very practical minded never gave undue importance to dead letter of Law they were abide by the living norms of ‘Dharma’. Unfortunately due to impact of English education so called learned leader of Independent India failed to access the lofty ideals of their ancestors, which governed the justice administration in pre-invasion era i.e between 300 A.D to 1200 A.D. Implication of this development is that the Constitution of India is substantially built on western notions, it fail to hold Social, Political, Cultural, moral and Spiritual ethos of peoples into it.
The rule of law is a common aspiration, proclaimed by international organizations and national governments as a pre- condition for acceptable modem governance, but in India It is only in the British Rule the concept of ‘Rule of Law’ was implanted in the land which was ruled by Dharma. Basically Indians are very practical minded never gave undue importance to dead letter of Law they were abide by the living norms of ‘Dharma’. Unfortunately due to impact of English education so called learned leader of Independent India failed to access the lofty ideals of their ancestors, which governed the justice administration in pre-invasion era i.e between 300 A.D to 1200 A.D. Implication of this development is that the Constitution of India is substantially built on western notions, it fail to hold Social, Political, Cultural, moral and Spiritual ethos of peoples into it.
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