Thursday, July 18, 2019

What is copyright?

What is copyright?

If you produce original literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work, you'll want to learn more about what copyright is and how you can use it to your advantage.

Copyright is the exclusive legal right to produce, reproduce, publish or perform an original literary, artistic, dramatic or musical work. The creator is usually the copyright owner. However, an employer—for example, a film studio—may have copyright in works created by employees unless there is an agreement in place stating otherwise.

Copyright protects your creation:

When you own the copyright in a work, you control how it is used in order to protect its value. Others who want to use the work have to buy or otherwise get your permission.

Generally, an original work is automatically protected by copyright the moment you create it. By registering your copyright, you receive a certificate issued by the Indian Intellectual Property Office that can be used in court as evidence that you own it.

Your copyright exists in India during your lifetime and for 50 years following your death. After that, the work is in the public domain, and anyone can use it. This is true for most works, but there are exceptions.

Copyright Registration in India

Kind of creations you can copyright in India:

You can Copyright Register a book

You can Copyright Register a design

You can Copyright Register a logo

You can Copyright Register an idea/ concept

You can Copyright Register a video

You can Copyright Register a piece of music

You can Copyright Register a document

You can Copyright Register a creation

You can Copyright Register my photos

You can Copyright Register a Fashion and Textile model

You can Copyright Register software/ a program

You can Copyright Register a website

You can Copyright Register a business