Thursday, March 07, 2013

Problems and Challenges before Law Teachers in India

Problems and Challenges before Law Teachers in India

The social setting for law teaching and research in India
According to Prof, Upendra Baxi, the generally known facts concerning legal education are these. First, there has been a phenomenal quantitative expansion of entrants to legal education. Second, the bulk of LL.B and LL.M education is not whole-time but part-time. Third, the bulk of LL.B education is imparted by law colleges, with poor teaching and library resources. Fourth, the number of university departments in law, although on the increase, is comparatively smaller than in other social science fields, and the law departments are generally low-priority items for funding. Fifth, mass education in law has meant decline over control of admissions, decline in standards of teaching and evaluation, and a pervasive demoralization of full-time law teachers, whose number is still smaller than that of part-time law teachers. Sixth, the expansion of legal education has brought with it the adoption of regional languages as medium of instruction and examination in the LL.B and even LL.M level